Aesthetic and Functional Challenges – Extensive Implant Supported Restorations in Edentulous Cases / key lecture
1-Day Courses
Chengdu, P. R. China, Shenzhen, P. R. China, Xiamen, P. R. China
powered by Ding Xin Dental Education Central, C.K.J. Dental Hospital Group & DMG China
Edentulous implant prosthetic treatments may be considerably more challenging to accomplish when compared to the corresponding treatments for patients presenting partial edentulism. Fixed, as well as removable implant-supported restorations represent a scientifically well documented and clinically established procedure for the rehabilitation of the edentulous maxilla and mandible. Both options differ as to their aesthetic outcome, dental hygiene demands and cost effectiveness. The objectives of this presentation include descriptions of diagnostic records and their impact on treatment success. Criteria clinicians should use to determine whether fixed or removable prostheses are the treatment of choice in any given clinical situation will be discussed. Clinical cases highlighting major advantages and limitations of fixed versus removable implant retained restorations will be presented.