July 20, 2014 5. BEGO Bremer ImplantologieTage 2014Schwerpunkte der restaurativen Implantatbehandlung – von der Abformung und der provisorischen Versorgung bis zur Abutmentauswahl und der verklebten...
July 20, 2014 5th Bego Implant Systems Congress, Holiday Inn Hotel Warszawa JozefovProsthetic rehabilitation of the edentulous patient with overdenturesworkshop: Prosthetic rehabilitation with overdentures for the edentulous patient: treatment options...
July 20, 2014 Safety and predictability in extensive implant supported restorations – prosthetically guided implantologyΑσφάλεια και προβλεψιμότητα σε εκτεταμένες επιεμφυτευματικές αποκαταστάσεις – προσθετικά καθοδηγούμενη εμφυτευματολογία.1-Day Course - Athens, 11. 2014Vitsaropoulos SA Athens...
July 8, 2014 3rd SRSOMI Congress – Scientific and Research Society of Oral and Maxillofacial Implantology, MumbaiThe Z to A backward planning approach with the Bredent SPS concept Date of congressThe Lalit Mumbai, 5....
July 21, 2013 Semados dental implants 2-Day Course, lecture and hands-onDate of course - Riga, Latvia, 11. 2013Schumann Dental Supplies Latvia & Bego Implant Systems Germany Prosthetics on...
July 21, 2013 Merz Dental 17th Prothetik Symposium. Funktion ist (fast) alles – Lösungsstrategien interdisziplinär, konventionell, analog oder digital im TeamFestsitzende versus herausnehmbare prothetische Versorgungen auf Implantaten - wann und wie?(Fixed versus removable implant supported prosthetic rehabilitation -...
July 21, 2013 8th Croatian International Quintessence Congress – Advanced clinical protocols for implant supported reconstructionsDate - 10. 2013 Zagreb, CroatiaQuintessence Publishing Group & Heraeus Kulzer Dental Adria Edentulous implant prosthetic treatments may...
July 21, 2012 Two-day clinical course and live surgery – Dental Implants in Daily Dental Practice (Τα εμφυτευματα στην καθημερινη οδοντιατρική πράξη)Date - Thessaloniki, 2012-2013Manolakis Dental Clinic, Vitsaropoulos SA Οι αποκαταστάσεις με οστεοενσωματούμενα εμφυτεύματα αποτελούν πλέον μια απόλυτα τεκμηριωμένη...
July 21, 2012 Bredent Sky Meeting – Aesthetic regeneration versus functional rehabilitation – is this a contradiction?SKY fast and fixed – present and future Date - Munich, Germany, 4. 2012Bredent Medical, Germany The concept...
July 21, 2011 7ο International Annual Congress of Aesthetic Dentistry – Hellenic Academy of Aesthetic DentistryModern implantology and its applications in contemporary general dental practice – prosthetic part(Η σύγχρονη εμφυτευματολογία και οι εφαρμογές...